Webinars 2019 | Webinars
GDPR Recruitment

Webinar: GDPR for Recruitment

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GDPR for Recruitment Free Webinar is our 3rd co-hosted webinar with Sylo Associates. Kellie, Sarah and Sally will be discussing whether or not your 'recruitment campaign is GDPR compliant'. If you are responsible for recruitment within your company, have you ever considered the following:

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Sales / Marketing

Webinar: GDPR Says No… But Does It?

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On many an occasion over the past 18-months, we have either been told or overheard someone saying "GDPR says no...". Our instinctive reaction is, "but does it really say that?". 9 times out of 10 our answer would be, "no, GDPR does not say that". For example:

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Do you need help with a DPIA?

Webinar: Where to start with your DPIA

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A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is, in our opinion an essential risk assessment tool. Did you know that you must do a DPIA for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. This includes some specified types of processing.

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Show me the money

Webinar: GDPR & Accounting – Show me the Money

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In the past 12-months businesses have been faced with implementing GDPR, as well as Making Tax Digital (for those businesses meeting the VAT threshold). Too a number of businesses both these changes have been viewed as a burden, taking individuals away from their day-to-day job.

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 A Year on from GDPR

Webinar: A Year on from GDPR

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It has been almost a year since the GDPR came into force across Europe. Do you recall being bombarded with emails asking for consent or updating you about changes to privacy policies... Many people have asked us what has really changed, questioned whether all the hype was really necessary and compared the new regulation to Y2K! Does this sound familiar to you? This webinar will address these questions.

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The information and remarks provided in this article represent insight and guidance for best practice which is correct or valid or appropriate at time of publication.

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What Is a Data Leak and How Do They Happen?

Data leaks are a serious problem for organisations and individuals. In this day and age, individuals freely provide personal information to organisations, therefore a data leak can have a significant impact on both the company and the person. They often involve the exposure of personal data (such as name, address and financial details), with additional damage to the company or organisation in terms of potential financial loss and reputational damage.

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