Connect Harwell Workshop: 26th February - Alert! Data Breach! What now...? | Databasix
Free Workshop at Harwell

Connect Harwell Workshop: 26th February – Alert! Data Breach! What now…?

Free: 26th February 2019 between 9.30am - 1pm. Where Harwell Campus

A personal data breach could lead to financial penalties, as well as a loss of trust and reputation.

Since the GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018 there have been a number of high profile personal data breaches, including British Airways, TSB and Ticketmaster. If you experienced a breach of personal data within your business would you and your staff know what to do?

During this workshop Databasix will provide an overview of how to handle a breach, including practical scenarios for attendees to work through.

If you work within HR, Marketing, Compliance, IT or are a business owner, then this workshop is for you!

There will also be the opportunity to network with our business experts.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

The purpose of the workshops is to provide quality, value-added business advice in an interactive setting for companies at Harwell and Greater Oxfordshire. Delegates will increase their knowledge in key business areas such as marketing, networking, negotiating, legal, access to finance, data protection, accounting and more! These workshops will create a space for regular interaction with our Harwell Campus preferred business service providers who want to help your business grow and succeed.

Connect Harwell Workshops are being delivered and hosted by Harwell Campus Management.

We look forward to seeing you there!

You can book your free ticket via Eventbrite here.

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The information and remarks provided in this article represent insight and guidance for best practice which is correct or valid or appropriate at time of publication.

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Data leaks are a serious problem for organisations and individuals. In this day and age, individuals freely provide personal information to organisations, therefore a data leak can have a significant impact on both the company and the person. They often involve the exposure of personal data (such as name, address and financial details), with additional damage to the company or organisation in terms of potential financial loss and reputational damage.

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Contact Databasix

Tel 01865 346080

Get Data Protection Services t/a Databasix
is a registered company in England & Wales.
Registration No. 15292208

Unit B Oakwood
Oakfield Industrial Estate
OX29 4TH

Supported by Business Resilience secured by OxLEP Business
Supported by Business Resilience secured by OxLEP Business